Funding for and Access to Music Education – Questions for Local Authorities

For the latest financial year for which figures are available, how much did your authority spend centrally on music services?

The total spend for Carmarthenshire Music Service was £1,190,341.00 of which £1,117,098.00 income was generated by Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Therefore the total central spend was £73,243.00.

How much do you plan to spend in the next (2017-18) financial year?

Of the spending identified in question 1, is this spent directly by the authority or do you work through a consortium arrangement with other Local Authorities?

If you work through a consortium, which other local authorities are involved?

The spend was direct from the local authority.

How many staff do you currently employ directly in music services or how many posts do you support through consortiums?

Carmarthenshire Music Service currently employs 26.95 FTE members of staff.

For the latest financial year for which figures are available, how much did your authority provide to schools for music services?

469.98 hours of tuition was provided to schools last year at an SLA cost of £57.00 per hour

How much do you plan to provide to schools in the next (2017-18) financial year?

Is any of the provision identified in question 4, ring fenced in any way or are schools free to spend their allocation on other services?

No Funding is ring fenced in Carmarthenshire.

Does your authority plan to provide any funding for the regional and national ensembles in the next financial year?

If so, how much?

£2,000.00 is paid each year from the Music Service budget to support consortium (ERW) music activities.